2,675 research outputs found

    The role of ICT in teacher education. The development of web pages by project method

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    This paper is a description of an in-service teacher training experience that used ICT to develop a project that involved teachers (nursery and primary) and also children, parents and other members of the educational community. Its aim was to build an Internet site that would give information about school life. It's an open web space where teachers, parents and students can express and share their ideals and activities. This project is still in progress and is being developed in three interconnected phases: conception, development and evaluation. The most important issue to relate is that the technical or instrumental learning is dependent on the ideas and purposes of teachers, students and parents. We believe that when we talk about ICT in schools and also in teacher education we shouldn't only be concerned with the 'means', that is to say, how to introduce computers or how to use a word processor and Internet resources, but also with the 'ends'. Only when we question the ends do we begin to pay attention to what we do, that is, to construct a story that is worth telling " ... to tell that we are merely tools makers (and tools users) is to miss the entire narrative aim? We are world's makers and world's weavers" (Postman, 2002, p. 108)

    Environmental context of endophyte symbioses: Interacting effects of water stress and insect herbivory

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    Symbiotic associations between grasses and fungal endophytes are generally regarded as mutualistic, yet benefits to host plants may vary with environmental context. Previous studies have emphasized how endophytes influence plant responses to single stressors. In contrast, the outcome of endophyte-grass interactions under simultaneous biotic and abiotic stresses remains poorly explored. We hypothesized that benefits from endophyte symbiosis become most apparent in "complex" environments where hosts experience multiple stresses. We evaluated the performance of endophyte-infected (E+) vs. endophyte-uninfected (E-) Lolium multiflorum plants in a factorial experiment with water supply (control vs. drought) and insect herbivory (with aphids vs. without aphids). Endophyte infection delayed tiller production in well-watered plants, while water stress reduced tillering in E- plants. Endophyte mediation of herbivory tolerance was contingent on water supply. Whereas aphid herbivory was detrimental to E+ plants in well-watered soils, aphids interacted with drought stress in decreasing the reproductive output of E- but not E+ plants. Moreover, endophyte presence decreased aphid densities on drought-stressed plants only. Thus, endophyte symbiosis enhanced host tolerance to overlapping biotic and abiotic stresses, although infected plants failed to outgrow their uninfected counterparts. These results support the view that mutualistic endophyte effects may not arise in low-stress environments. © 2011 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.Fil: Miranda, M. Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Omacini, Marina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Chaneton, Enrique Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; Argentin

    Ilumexico Comparative Study: Lighting the Way Forward in Rural Mexico

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    Opportunity: Currently, there are approximately 3 million individuals in Mexico without access to grid-based electricity. These individuals spend a substantial portion of their income purchasing candles and kerosene. Mexico is investing public funds in rural electrification. However ILUMEXICO has developed a more sustainable model of bringing light to rural communities. one with many advantages. such as after-sale services. over centralized solutions. It could be more efficient and cost-effective for the Mexican government to invest in ILUMEXICO\u27s solution than pursuing its own. Research Activities: Our team conducted 32 research interviews with both I LU MEXICO customers and government program recipients to assess their satisfaction with their solar home systems. We used the Net Promoter Score (NPS) methodology. Findings After-sale services and strong company-customer relationships result in enhanced customer satisfaction. and increase the likelihood that customers recommend ILUMEXICO products and service to other community members. I LU MEXICO received a 100% promoter score versus a 75% promoter score of government programs. This validates ILUMEXICO\u27s approach to customer acquisition and support. Deliverable: We present field data indicating that ILUMEXICO\u27s approach satisfies the needs of beneficiaries better than donation-based government programs. This is consistent with current trends in sustainable development practice and scholarship comparing government-led programs with social entrepreneurship. We identify key elements of ILUMEXICO\u27s business model that influence greater customer satisfaction. Recommendations: Based on comparison data. we recommend a partnership between the Mexican government and ILUMEXICO. Through collaboration. these parties can more effectively and cost-effectively reduce energy poverty in Mexico. generating positive impacts throughout rural Mexico

    Ilumexico Program Proposal: Designing a Referral Program to Boost Sales of Solar Home Systems

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    Opportunity: ILUMEXICO is growing its solar home business and has an opportunity to acquire more customers through the development of a referral program. A referral program would leverage social connections and ILUMEXICO\u27s reputation within the communities to attract non-customers to ILUMEXICO. In the majority of communities where ILUMEXICO works. there are numerous individuals who received donated solar home systems through the Secretaria de Desarollo Social (SEDESOL). However. in order to maintain. repair. and/or buy new products. many of these individuals often go to expensive hardware stores. Unlike ILUMEXICO, these stores do not offer after-sale services. suggesting that there is a market opportunity of individuals that ILUMEXICO could include in its customer network. To realize this opportunity, ILUMEXICO, can invite its existing customers to participate in a referral program. Research Activities: The comparative study research conducted in rural Campeche. Mexico (see our report. Lighting the Way Forward in Rural Mexico). revealed fundamental differences between ILUMEXICO\u27s customer network and the government solar program recipients. One hundred percent of ILUMEXICO customers who were interviewed in the Campeche communities during the comparative study would recommend ILUMEXICO\u27s products and services to others in their community. Furthermore. many said they have already recommended ILUMEXICO to others. However. currently there isn\u27t a system in place to track/monitor if ILUMEXICO\u27s customers are actually referring the product and service. or that others are buying from ILUMEXICO based on those referrals. Deliverable Description: This report offers case studies of how other social enterprises. in similar situations to ILUMEXICO, were able to expand their customer. It then outlines next steps ILUMEXICO could take to obtain the necessary information that will inform a design of a successful referral program. The report suggests two possible avenues for starting and implementing a referral program

    The Long-run Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Infant Mortality

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    In the United States alone, each tropical cyclone causes an average of $14.6 billion worth of damages. In addition to the destruction of physical infrastructure, natural disasters also negatively impact human capital formation. These losses are often more difficult to observe, and therefore, are over looked when quantifying the true costs of natural disasters. One particular effect is an increase in infant mortality rates, an important indicator of a country’s general socioeconomic level. This paper utilizes a model created by Anttila-Hughes and Hsiang, that takes advantage of annual variation in tropical cyclones using annual spatial average maximum wind speeds and Demographic and Health Surveys data, in order to find a causal relationship between infant mortality and tropical cyclones. The results show that there is a statistically significant increase in infant mortality with a lagged effect. This research topic is even more relevant given the evidence on climate change such as rising sea temperatures, which aggravates both the occurrence and severity of tropical cyclones

    El IVA y el comercio electrónico

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    El comercio electrónico ha experimentado una rápida evolución en los últimos años, debido, en parte, a las regulaciones que se están produciendo en la última década en materia de IVA. La última ha tenido lugar el 1 de Enero de 2015 y afecta a las operaciones de comercio electrónico online, específicamente al comercio electrónico "B2C" (Business to Consumer") y que afecta a los destinatarios establecidos en la Unión Europea. La fiscalidad del comercio electrónico y la nueva regla de localización tras la reforma, se explicarán en profundidad en este trabajo.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Autoeficácia nos papéis de carreira e exploração vocacional de jovens que vivem em lares de infância e juventude

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Escolar e da Educação)Analisou-se o desenvolvimento de carreira de jovens institucionalizados em Lares de Infância e Juventude relativamente às dimensões da Exploração vocacional e da Autoeficácia nos papéis de carreira. Os participantes foram 136 jovens (Midade = 16.20, DP = 2.19) que foram comparados com uma amostra de 184 jovens que vivem com as famílias (Midade = 16.72, DP = 2.13). A Exploração vocacional foi avaliada através do Inventário de Exploração Vocacional (CES; Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, 1983, versão adaptada por Taveira, 1997) e a Autoeficácia de carreira através do Inventário de Crenças de Autoeficácia Relativamente aos Papéis de Carreira (ICARPC; Vale, 1997). Foram realizadas análises de comparação de médias, análise de relações e uma Manova. Verificou-se que o grupo institucionalizado revela menores valores de Autoeficácia nos papéis de Trabalhador e Tempos livres e nas crenças de Exploração que remetem para a Importância da posição preferida e Instrumentalidade externa. Paralelamente, maiores níveis de Autoeficácia são preditores de maior stresse relacionado com a Exploração vocacional. Com base nos resultados, são retiradas implicações para a intervenção no âmbito da psicologia da carreira com esta população.The career development of foster care youth on the dimensions of Vocational Exploration and Self-efficacy in career roles was analyzed. Participants were 136 foster care young (Mage = 16.20, SD = 2.19) compared with a sample of 184 young people living with their families (Mage = 16.72, SD = 2.13). The Vocational exploration was assessed using Inventário de Exploração de Carreira (CES; Stumpf, Colarelli & Hartman, 1983, version adapted by Taveira, 1997) and Self-efficacy through the Inventário de Crenças de Autoeficácia Relativamente aos Papéis de Carreira (ICARPC; Vale, 1997). The analyzes included comparison of means, analysis of relations and a Manova. It was found that the institutionalized group revealed lower levels of Self-Efficacy in Worker and Leisure role's, and also in beliefs of Exploration, that refers to the importance of the preferred position and external Instrumentality. Further, Career exploration was lower for young living out-of-home in exploration beliefs preferred position Importance and external Instrumentality which are related. In parallel, higher levels of Self-efficacy are predictors of stress related to career exploration. Based on the results, implications are drawn for intervention in the psychological career with this population

    Factores y causas que influyen en la no realización de Papanicolaou en mujeres con vida sexual activa que asisten al puesto de salud Montaña Grande, Terrabona Matagalpa, año 2015

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    Se estudió los factores y las causas que influyen en la no realización del Papanicolaou, y tiene como propósito indagar los factores y las causas que influyen en la no realización del Papanicolaou, en mujeres con vida sexual activa que asisten al puesto de salud Montaña Grande, Terrabona, año 2015. Este estudio es importante para todas las pacientes que no asisten al programa de Papanicolaou se incorporen, así se tendrá menos incidencias de factores que puedan afectar a las pacientes y evitar futuras complicaciones, ya que el examen del Papanicolaou es de vital importancia para todas las mujeres en edad fértil y la forma sencilla para la detección oportuna del cáncer cervico uterino.La población es de 733 mujeres con vida sexual activa y 10 del personal de salud, para un total de 743 personas. Se concluyó que: a) la edad predominante es de 20 a 34 años, unión estable, del área rural, gozan de buena salud, con escolaridad primaria incompleta e incompleta, la mayoría no sufren violencia intrafamiliar, su condición de vida es pobre, son amas de casa, de religión evangélica, no tienen mitos ni creencias; b) poseen conocimientos empíricos; c) las causas de la no realización del Papanicolaou son: vergüenza y desinterés; d) En la normativa del cáncer cervico uterino, las estrategias seleccionas por el personal de salud son: promoción para la salud y aumento de la cobertura, y en la normativa de planificación familiar son: acceso a los servicios, dimensión de la calidad, trato y relaciones interpersonale

    The Variation of Chemical Composition and Pulping Yield With Age and Growth Factors in Young Eucalyptus Globulus

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    The wood quality of 2-, 3-, and 6-year old Eucalyptus globulus trees was assessed in relation to chemical composition and pulping for two growth conditions: a control (C) and optimized growth (IL) through a weekly nutrient supply and irrigation.The wood chemical composition did not show statistically significant differences between C and IL trees. With age an increase was found for lignin and extractives, especially ethanol and water-solubles.The overall average pulp yield was 56.5% at a Kappa number of 15. No differences in pulp yield or delignification degree could be associated with fertilization and irrigation or with tree age. In these conditions, intensively grown trees and shorter rotations may be used for pulping without loss of raw-material quality